Thursday, July 31, 2008

Scriptures read for class devotions: week 5

It's getting harder to prepare the Hebrew readings for each class session, rather than easier as I thought it might as I gained more experience in this practice. But I will not give it up; rather, I may take time in the next couple of days to plan out what I'll use the remainder of the semester in each class, since I didn't even select my passages until late last evening. I was still practicing the Pentateuch reading just before lunch, with class meeting at 1:30 PM and, as you'll see, I cheated again somewhat and doubled up one of the readings. However, it's only partially cheating, because I have been working through in Intro to OT some of the call stories. I've done Joshua, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and now Moses. Perhaps I'll find some others since, again, I can choose anything in the canon. This is not to mention that I'm a bit leery about sticking too closely to the Psalms because, even though these are wonderful material for what I'm doing, I don't want to get too much reading out of one book or even one block of literature in that class.

Intro to OT:
7/29 Isaiah 6:1-8
7/31 Exodus 3:1-15

7/29 Exodus 3:1-15
7/31 Genesis 45:1-11

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