Thursday, August 7, 2008

Scriptures read for class devotions: Week 6

This was a hard week. I didn't have anything prepared as of this morning for either of my classes, so I pulled out a softball for Intro (one that I had already used for Pentateuch). As far as Pentateuch goes, I was thinking about the "my ancestor was a wandering Aramaean" bit from Deut 26, but I couldn't get it together in time. I had a difficult time selecting the passages, and I even looked at some of the Daily Office readings. These were singularly unhelpful, since the "Old Testament" reading for today was from the Apocrypha. While the book of Judith is wonderful, I'm too much of a Protestant to use that stuff. And I don't have it in Hebrew anyway, which is part of the reason why it wasn't in the OT canon to begin with.

Intro to OT:
8/5 Jeremiah 31:31-34
8/7 Genesis 2:1-4a

8/5 Genesis 32:23-32 [Eng. 22-31]
8/7 Genesis 2:18-25

The idea to use the story of the creation of the woman from the side of the man was a kind of deus ex machina for me, seeing as how I had just about given up on not using something twice in the same class. I was tempted to go back to the priestly blessing in Numbers 6, since that's a really great text. But Genesis 2 leapt out at me (and plus I already know that one well in Hebrew).

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