Sunday, July 27, 2008

Haircut, bad burger, good movie

Got haircut usual, I feel like I've lost 2 1/2 kilos of weight. The stylist talked me into getting something called a mentholized scalp treatment, which included an upper-body massage. They don't do that at haircut places in the States. ;-) Anyhow, after all that was done I smelled like an entire package of Halls throat drops...haha. But I felt very pampered, and while it's not an experience I want to have everytime I get the mop lopped off, it was nice.

After the haircut experience, I was waiting around for The Dark Night and the evening showing. A friend was going to meet me so I was running around trying to find something quick to eat before we were supposed to connect up. This shall henceforth and forever be known as Mistake Number One. Never, never, never, eat something unfamiliar in a hurry. I selected a Tropical Hut burger stand, which offered cheap food. This shall henceforth and forever be known as Mistake Number Two. Never, never, never, eat something cheap in a hurry. If I can paint a picture for my American readers, this burger tasted like those things you might get at an old deli at a grocery store or something like that. It was actually closer to a vegemite burger than a "real" burger, with gooey cheese and mayo to top it off. Really nasty. And I'm paying for it still this morning. Let the reader understand.

Anyhow, the movie was good, much better even than Batman Begins, and certainly better than the original Batman. I never thought I'd say anyone played a role better than Jack, but Heath Ledger actually turned in a fine offering for his last performance. The superiority of his work is, I think, related to the inferiority of the original script and character design for The Joker, but still Ledger did a very good job.

Well, I'm running a little short on time this morning. I'm headed off to Antipolo First Church of the Nazarene for the first time this morning. I had already planned to attend when the faculty received an email that this church was having its annual APNTS Sunday this weekend. So I'm going as an unofficial/official representative of the Seminary. Which means I'll be asked to stand up and I'll get embarrassed, as usual, but I've gotten a little used to it now. The only time being recognized as a visitor was a less-than-savory experience was going to the megachurch in downtown Manila last week, for then they took me out of the service and talked with me for a bit--who are you, where do you live, how did you find the church, that sort of thing familiar from the Willow Creek model. I should have politely refused to go to the interview room, or better yet remembered that my friend Sam had warned me about not standing up to begin with. But no matter. It will be better this morning, because it's "friendly territory," or, at least, "familiar territory.

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