Thursday, September 4, 2008

Top ten bad Bible geek jokes

I don't know why I'm doing this, but I am sick today so I can chalk it up to delirium if anyone asks. ;-) I posted the first of these on a NT PhD student's Facebook wall, and it got me to thinking about others that could be made. Any non-specialist who gets these needs a thorough head exam:
  1. I don't like reading Wrede. He's too secretive.
  2. I heard when Robert Funk arrived at the pearly gates the angels did the marble thing to see if he got in.
  3. Know how Wellhausen first came up with JEDP? Alpha-Bits.
  4. No way David could beat Goliath. He had to be juicin'!
  5. Did Inigo Montoya get the idea from Ehud?
  6. I wonder what funny stories the Ammonites and the Moabites told about Israel's ancestry.
  7. If Bugs Bunny were an Israelite: "Shoulda taken that left turn at `Aradluquerque!"
  8. Matthew's a man, Mark's a lion, Luke's an ox, John's an eagle. Is Jeremiah a frog?
  9. If Bultmann got the whirlwind speech: "Demythologize this, pal!"
  10. C. H. Dodd never realized his eschatology was so influential.
Wow...those are really bad. I wonder if there's a competition somewhere for bad jokes...

1 comment:

Coachm said...

Wow! Guess I'll leave the Bible geekiness to others!