Friday, September 12, 2008

Scriptures read for class devotions: Week 11

I've finally come to a decision. I am not going to continue the Hebrew readings in subsequent semesters. It's been interesting, and it has helped me gain a new appreciation for the language of the Bible, and it has generated in some students the desire to know more...but on the other hand it has created a good bit of stress and it is of dubious pedagogical value. The stress it has generated has mostly to do with my desire to avoid duplication of passages in either of the classes, but also with sometimes having forgotten to practice and learn one in time for a class meeting on Tuesday or Thursday. As for the dubious pedagogical value, it seems that this, like other attempts at innovation, catches the minds of some students while flying unreachably over the heads of others. The promise of a given innovation, in my mind, lies in the proportion of students who "get it" to those who either do not understand the practice or think that it is pedantic. If A=>B+C, then the practice should be continued. But, alas, in this case it is not. I will continue it through the end of this semsester (five weeks), but will stop afterward. Pedagogical value aside, it is also of dubious spiritual value as a devotional practice which, should, after all, be the main point of the exercise, especially seeing how I have titled most of the relevant blog posts as "Scriptures read for class devotions:"

Intro to Old Testament
9/9 Isaiah 40:1-8
9/11 Jeremiah 20:7-9

9/9 Leviticus 18:1-4
9/11 Numbers 24:1-9

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