Friday, September 26, 2008

The shack II

It's a fast read. I read about half the book in a little over three hours yesterday. I read a little bit over breakfast and dinner, but then sat down about 8:00 last night and read most of it. And I've gotten a few more pages in this morning. But now I'm at the computer blogposting (is that a verb?) and I have to write a couple of lectures today, so "fun stuff" has to wait.

Preliminary report: It is interesting, and I can see why it would capture the popular imagination, but (as expected) I have a few mild-to-serious issues with it. More to come, perhaps...but I don't want to prejudice one of my commenters who is reading it for a book club.


Indie Pereira said...

I've already finished it, if you're talking about me. I did hold back my thoughts while you were reading. I'd be interested to hear what you think.

Mitchel said...

OK...I misunderstood your previous comment. I have seventy pages left, and I'm about to throw it in the wastebasket. ;-) This copy doesn't belong to me, though, which makes me happy because I would have been upset at spending the money for this tripe.