Friday, September 12, 2008

Sayang (too bad)

I took my last formal Tagalog lesson today. I am picking up the language well, but I simply do not have (or cannot find, or have not made) the time to study. I am pretty well a perfectionist, or I set high standards for myself at any rate, so I cannot do something half-heartedly. I want to be able to put my full effort into it or not do it at all. Throughout the ten weeks or so that I had these lessons on Friday mornings, I found I was sitting down late Thursday night cramming over my materials, which is simply insufficient. And even this past week when I was ill and canceled class, the extra week to prepare did not make me any better prepared. I still sat down late last night and crammed over my notes for a little bit. So my teacher gave me some good information about verbs and such, seeing as how it was the last session. I may try to pick it up again later, but for now I cannot. It simply isn't a priority, since the principle language is English within the compound anyway, and I can ply my friends for vocabulary and informal lessons. Sayang.

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