Friday, June 27, 2008

A Possessed Phone

The telephone in my office picks itself up and dials random numbers on campus. The screen also flashes blue incessantly. I don't know what that means. It turns out that the last call the possessed phone made was actually someone trying to call me, but it sounded like the ring you hear when you call someone else. One of my faculty colleagues needs the key to the laundry room, and she was calling me from the central office to tell me that the keys she found didn't work in the lock that is on that door now. So I'll go over in a bit and give that to her. I don't want to wait too long, because she needs to do laundry and the building here is locked after 11:00 PM, but I want to get a little work done since I don't have anything else to do at the moment. ;-)

1 comment:

Living on an Alternate Plane of Reality said...

So you rebuke the phone in Jesus name and hope that it stops! That is weird.