Saturday, June 14, 2008

Last Minute Details + Minor Battery Tragedy

I'm calling my banks to flag my accounts so that they don't cut off my debit cards when they start seeing charges in the Philippines. From my experience as a bank teller, overseas charges on credit and debit cards were usually a sign of identity theft. Even though I'm maintaining a US address at my parents' home, I plan to be using my accounts and debit cards over there. I was talking to the first one as I was typing. Now that one's done and I have to call the other one. I didn't type while I talked to the second one, and now it's done as well.

Next issue was calling the movers and asking them to call my brother as they're on the way to the storage facility to pick up my stuff. He lives 15-20 mins away so it's good if he has a bit of a heads-up. Left a message with them (I actually called them before the banks), so I should hear back later.

Now I have to call my cell phone provider and ask to be let out of the contract early because I'm going overseas where my phone will not work. I understand I'll be issued a cell phone by the seminary or by the field office so I'll be able to communicate while I'm there, but my American one is no good. Ack! *61 apparently does not work outside my home area, which is still Tennessee. But the independent authorized dealer I spoke with yesterday gave me a 1-800 number so I'll try that. On hold... The guy said I needed to fax the information about where I was going and they should cancel the account with no I'll do that.

Now for the minor tragedy, perhaps further evidence of the Fall: my laptop battery gave up the ghost during my trip from Tennessee to Idaho. I ordered a replacement from some outfit in New Jersey on Tuesday, paying extra for two-day express shipping. Long story short, they put it in as regular UPS ground shipping, arrival date 6/17/2008. For those of you keeping score at home, that's two days after I leave for the Philippines. So I called them and went around and around proposing solutions, and all I got was no, no, no, no. Essentially, their attitude was "Man, that must suck for you." I suppose I should have checked on Tuesday to make sure that it was coming as it should, but (cue Sappy Life-Lesson Music) I just thought that the people would do what they were supposed to do. I should know better by now. Anyway, I emailed the tech guy on the field for reputable places in Asia that can send stuff to the Philippines without my having to pay thirteen arms and a toe for duties/customs. More later on this issue, perhaps.

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