Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas gifts

I was able through a faculty colleague to send gifts for my family members home for Christmas. We will connect over webcam on the evening of their Christmas Eve. Incidentally, I wonder if that is Christmas Eve eve. :-)

But I have not yet gotten a gift for that special someone. She'll read this later and I suppose that's ok, but I have to be careful in what I say. The biggest problem is that I am never out to any potential gift-buying place without her. I asked one of my American friends to come along this morning, and also to lend a little female perspective, but it doesn't look like that's going to be able to happen. Everyone's busy, see, and so I'm pretty much in a bind. S.O. says it's okay not to come bearing gifts, but we all know what that means, don't we kids? I may have to break my general rule and just go down to the mall myself later today. With my major piece of electronic equipment already stolen I think the risk is minimized. Haha.

So I'm just going to go and find something. I cannot come empty-handed. Cannot!

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