Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last day of school!

I woke up even earlier than usual this morning so I thought I'd make a note of this being the last regular day of classes. My first semester as a professor has rocketed by. I still have much to do...a stack of thirty or so papers to grade, plus a final exam being administered in one class--and, in fact, today to one student who petitioned to take it early--and a take-home final in the other. All in all, it has been a very successful semester. I have already seen some changes that are necessary for the next time I teach these classes, or the next time I teach an upper division Bible class (next semester), etc.

I'm drinking lots of coffee right now to counteract the negative effects of having woken up early. I hope I'll be able to make it through the busy day without crashing. We will see.

I remember that, when I was a student, the last day of class was always a significant day for me. I've always been a sucker for transitions, and usually when I know something's about to end I'm anxious for it to go ahead and end so that I can get on to the next thing. In some ways, that's how I feel about this semester...I'm excited to get on to the next one, especially since I'll be teaching something way outside my expertise yet close to my heart, and what in many ways is the keystone course of the seminary--Doctrine of Holiness. It should be exciting.

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